“Could they have planted bugs, disabled weapons,” or in other ways “jeopardized security of the president or our country?
It is more than
likely those ladies did plant some bugs but a little Quell should clear that
up. If they happen to be resistant critters we may well have a national
security breech and it's a good thing we have Rep King (R-Pantswetter) and Rep
Issa (R-Douche) slavering to get to the bottom of it. I fear Senator Collins is
right and somewhere in the melee a weapon (or several) may well have been
compromised and probably discharged.
No doubt
the House Committee on Investiging Stupid Shit will find that Obama bears full
responsiblility for this incident. After all, if he hadn't gone to Columbia
none of this would have happened. You can't really blame the advance team, they
were just letting off a little steam. Probably per the President's orders.
C'mon, we've all had those "Oh shit" moments the next day. You have a
little too much to drink, go back to the hotel and order the combo - thinking
that you're getting a pie and a liter of Coke and you end up with two hookers
and an half ounce of cocaine. It's not like you can cancel the order. That
would be rude.
Two of
those busted were Marine dog handlers and you have to wonder if the dogs were
at the party and, if they were, in what capacity? Drug sniffing? Bomb sniffing?
Crotch sniffing? Say goodbye to your rank and your German shepherds boys. It's
poodles for the rest of your tour. Little poofy white ones.