Gayer then Elton John's
Led To Severance By Jesus
18 hours ago
Mediocre ideas, poorly written
The True UnbelieverAlmost ThereHey - Over Here!Random AccessSurely UncertainSit Down and Shut UpIn No Way Shape or FormSomewhat IntelligibleAlmost English
"That's the town Grampy Scrip used to live in"
"He died"
"Yeah, I showed you where he was buried a little bit ago."
"He's with God, in Outer Space."
"Uh, yeah, I guess so"
"We went Outer Spacing in school and we found God."
"That's nice."
"We also saw the moon - there's poop on the moon!"
"Don't be silly. There's no poop on the moon."
"My Mommy is a vegetarian.""Really?""I'm a vegetarian, too.""That's nice""I'm hungry""Wanna stop at McDonalds?""I'm not allowed to eat at McDonalds. Mommy won't let me."(oh, Christ ) "Well, what do you want to eat?""I want a hot dog."(what the hell? do they even make vegetarian hot dogs? If they do I bet they suck)"I don't think any of these places have hot dogs. How about a sandwich from Quiznos?"(from my co pilot and lovely wife) "She won't find anything in there that she likes"(Hey, I'd like you to be quiet )"Mommy lets me eat at Wendy's"(Jesus fucking Christ - that's where I was headed in the first place and really, what's the difference? I suppose the snack bar at Target was totally out of the question)"Okey-dokey, Wendy's it is"
"Over the last two years since President Obama has taken office, the federal government has added 200,000 new federal jobs and if some of those jobs are lost in this, so be it,"John Boehner (R-I hate my job)
"If we act now, we can avoid disruptions for current seniors while advancing patient-centered reforms so Medicare will be strengthened for future beneficiaries. The alternative is the European-style death spiral of the welfare state: kick the can down the road as our debt explodes. Under an ever-expansive, all-consuming central government, costs will be contained with Washington's heavy hand imposing price controls, slashing benefits and arbitrarily rationing seniors' care. "
Paul Ryan (R-full of shit)
" We don't want to turn the safety net into a hammock that lulls people to lives of complacencies and dependenci es, into a permanent condition where they never get on their feet," Paul Ryan (R-still full of shit)