Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Glossary of Palinese

First the results of the poll:

57% of you feel that Sarah Palin's witch hunting ways disqualify her for the presidency.

43% of you are stupid.

I predict that in the last 10 days before the election stupid will trend up to around 48%

What she says:---------------------------------What she means:

Bless your heart -----------------------------------------Fuck you
Bless his heart -------------------------------------------Fuck him
Bless her heart ------------------------------------------Fuck her
You betcha ----------------------------------------------Damn straight
Doggonit -------------------------------------------------God damn it
Can I call you Joe?----------------------------------- Fuck you, Joe
Real Americans------------------------------------------Rednecks

Elites------------------People who try to figure out what I'm saying

1 comment:

  1. Small towns....................White Christians who go to church

    Joe Sixpack.....................White men

    Drill baby drill.................Global warming is a hoax perpetrated by the media and the liberal elite

