Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Good Things Come in Threes

Texican Governor Rick Perry has unleashed his latest plan to make America great again. He will uproot the three branches of government, shake their roots clean of bureaucratic filth and plant them in pure soil nourished by the blood of patriots where they will bring forth a new tree of liberty which we will call Teximerica. Oh yeah, and JOBS.

The Governor explains:
"I'm going to Washington to uproot and overhaul the three branches of government. The Legislative, the Judicial and know... that other one...the one with the President in it... The ARMY!...The Legislative, Judicial and the Army."
The Governor continues:
"Unique to the Republican field, I have never been an establishment fighure, have never served in Congress or part of an administration, have never been a paid lobbyist, have never talked in complete sentences or forgot to comb my hair, have never read a book without pictures and have never gone jogging without packing a sidearm."

Poster from vjack

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