Here I am, stuck in the middle with you. I've got to be the world's worst judge of character. First it was Anthony - D thanks a lot, my congressional hero, caught sending Weiner-grams and just last week I was telling the wife that even if Penn State is not a national contender at least they run the cleanest program in college ball. Say it ain't so, Joe.
Et tu -Hermanus? Cain didn't recognize his latest accuser. Maybe if he saw the back of her head it would jog his memory. Or possibly he could identify her by touch.
Even if half of what the grand jury heard is true the sick bastard is going away for the rest of his life. I guess being a defensive genius doesn't get you a free pass to anally rape children. Not a lifetime pass, anyway. What a strange bizarre compulsion. Sandusky had to know what he was risking. Disturbing. Even more disturbing is the cover up. A friend said it best - maybe Sandusky couldn't stop himself but there were people around him who could. Putting kids at risk to protect Penn State's reputation. Something is rotten on the inside and it goes far beyond this incident. When the perverse influence of big time college football money runs into actual eye popping perversion everyone acts all shocked. We shouldn't. The money - the militarism - the merchandise -unpaid boys risking injury to bring in the dough. The whole thing stinks. Wonder what the line for the Nebraska game is?
We are all a little stunned here at work, this being big time Penn State territory and all. Too stunned to even joke about it. One guy is so upset at Joe's firing that he won't let his kids go to Penn State. Another thinks Joe should sue for wrongful discharge. And some asshole thinks the circus was in town and Sandusky was actually caught with a midget and we all owe him a big apology. Sandusky, not the little person.
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